Skill valley cohort  week-1

Skill valley cohort week-1

Team 7


Day 1

At day-1 We meet our group members Aslam , Anjali , Suhas , and Me and we met with our mentor Diksha . So at Day 1 we have Orientation Program of SPECIAL 48 Squad. day1.jfif

Day 2

At day-2 We received our problem statement to choose our project. So using that we have done our discussion and finally selected our project definition is Twitter Clone. At day-2 we have completed our first group meeting for our problem statement.

Day 3

Day-3 was amazing because we have selected our project definition so at day-3 1st session by SkillVally. In that session we learnt about Brainstorming your Problem Statement by Ayush. In this session we learnt about

  • Read your problem statement for at least 10 times and write it on a piece of paper in your own words for better understanding.
  • Don't just start thinking of solutions by looking at a problem statement. JUST DON'T DO THIS.
  • Never assume about any stuff.
  • Create a strong MANIFESTO which should include your aim, work flow and your conclusions.
  • Think from the stakeholder's / user's perspective while creating a manifesto.

After completing our session we have done our 2nd meeting to discuss about our project and try to explore our defination. At the ending of day-3 we have reached at Figma

Day 4

Day-4 is another new session for us that is Basics of System Design by Abhishek. In this session we have learnt about

  • System Design is a set of technology or architecture which is designed according to the end-user requirements.

  • High Level Design (HLD) is basically the general system design or you can say top-level view of the architecture.

  • Low Level Design (LLD) is like the detailed version of HLD means it refers to component-level design. It consists ER diagram and UML diagram.

  • Terms in High Level Design:

    a). Vertical Scaling means adding more power to existing system to meet higher traffic expectation.

    b). Horizontal Scaling means adding new machines to the existing system and a Load Balancer to ensure
    that traffic is spread across all the machines.

    Obviously, Horizontal Scaling is better as if one machine fails, other machines can keep the system intact and working.

    c). Load Balancer decides which request goes to which server. It contains algorithms like least time algorithm, round-robin algorithm, etc.

    d). CDN provides a cached part of website from servers closest to the users so that static part of the website gets loaded fast.

  • Steps for High Level Design:

a). Understand the problem and establish features, tech stack whether it is web based or mobile based, number of users and more importantly security.

b). Now, you decide about load balancer, CDN and type of database to be used.

c). Now, discuss about algorithms and business logic for each component.

d). In the end, accept the points of failure and set the future goals of project.

Day 5

Another new day another new session for us UI/UX DESIGN by Abhishek. In this session we have learnt about some basic points which are needed to understand and made our UI/UX more attractively

  • Define the main problem you are trying to solve. Think from the user's point of view.
  • Identify the target audience to which you are going to sell it.
  • Define the business goals of your website, whether it's for non-profit purpose or for business purpose to earn money.
  • Determine what you can do better than your competitors.

Day 6

Another new day but there was no session that day. So that day we have done our next meeting with our group members Anjali, Suhas, Aslam and with me. We discussed so many things for our brainstorming and final reached out our brainstorming BrainStorming. Menifesto File

Day 7

Today we have try to complete our UI/UX design. Another meeting and another target. In that meeting we have done our basic UI/UX design but that is not final design UI/UX .

We discussed a lots of design but not sure it's good not not so finally we have chosen one design Twitter Clone .


That was a amazing week for me and my group members because in that week we have learnt about importance of group and all group members , how to collaborate with unknown person which is in your group member , how to solve a problem and discuss with each others.

So that was amazing journey of our Team of 1st week.

Anjali Aslam Suhash Kelvin

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